Sunday, July 17, 2005

Oh shit son...this is a good look

Guess what, I live in NYC (okay the BK but to me that IS the city) and I love NYC stuff but I'm as happy as crackhead right out of the pen with $20 and looking for that first sweet, sweet hit with her newfound freedom...a 7-11* has opened in Manhattan. HOLLA! I said it...holla son, wut, wut! The thought of a Slurpee, a big bag of BBQ flavored Fritos and maybe a hot dog, if I'm feeling sexy, is just the hotness. Shit, I might take a sponge bath in the 5000 oz. Big Gulp they sell. For those that didn't grow up in the burbs and never experienced the magic of the mother of all convenience stores I say jump on the wagon now. Aiight, enough with this...I got to go and get a Coca-Cola/Cherry combo Slurpee and some red vines...I'm out!

*For those that are beyond the magic of are dead to me.


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