Saturday, February 02, 2008

Celebrity Rehab

I was supposed to hate this show. I was supposed to curse those that pitched and produced this program as being leeches on the ass of humanity. I was supposed to not give a fuck about some C/D/E level "celebrities" and their substance abuse problems.

That didn't happen.

I now think Bridgette Nielsen is one of the maternal creatures on Earth. I'm scared shit less that Jeff Conaway is going to die on camera. I want to hug that lil' American Idol castoff for having to deal with the aftermath of having a dead strung out-hooker mom PLUS give her a shout out for not being MORE fucked up. And Mary Carey? God bless that sad and sweet porn star. She really has a heart of gold. For real, I found myself tearing up during the first episode. And why the hell do I now think Dr. Drew Pinsky is kinda hot and I hope that if I ever fall off the rails he will save me?

Whatever. I love it and I have to move on.

Oh and I'm totally sucked into Rock of Love 2. Sigh.

Goddamn VH1.

Well, at least I still think Flavor of Love and I Love New York are setting the movement back so I haven't completely lost my mind. Right?



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