Friday, April 29, 2005


That is the title of the new Beck album. This album is what the youth would call awesome. I'll carry on...

So I'm bout the Beck but I thought he lost his damn mind with that Sea Change album. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. It was a singer-songwriter, introspective record but shit, it was a bummer. I'm sure Elliot Smith (R.I.P brother) was like lighten the fuck up are bringing me down son and Jeff Lynne told you not to do that years ago! Mind you I had just gone through a break-up when it came out and was in no mood for the melencholia of Beck. Oh, but I did manage to lose about 5lbs and was on fire after the fact. But that is neither here nor there.

The Dust Brothers are back on this gem and praise the Lord for it. These gentlemen are excellent at what they do. Moment for thunderous applause...we shall never forget you for Paul's Boutique alone! This is a fun, smart, funky, sexy, and bunch of other shit album. For real, "Clap Hands" is track number 16 and you need to go to that immediately and then start the album and listen to it from beginning to end.

So many of these tracks just make me want to put on a airy skirt, a tank, get a watermelon margarita ready and sit in someone's Brooklyn backyard and just chill. Others make me want to have a house party and take it to the floor. And some make me say, "Shit, why don't I clean the grout in the bathroom and turn this baby up to 11 cause this is some motivating get your stuff tight music." Yeah, shit is eclectic.

This is an album that deserves to be passed around from friend to friend...start the burning y'all, start it now.

Oh, yeah, in case you forgot...leaving for the Coachella in about 14 hours...holla black! Arcade Fire here I come...


Blogger Erika said...

Ain't it great?! And Vicki my dear...Coachella was AWESOME! Will be posting that shortly. Next year year.

May 4, 2005 at 3:25 PM  

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