Sunday, January 29, 2006

Oprah and the Salem Witch Hunts

I know I'm a little late with this but sometimes you need to let your rage die down before you blog. On that note...

What the fuck is up with Oprah and her God complex?!

I finally got around to watching the live castrating of James Frey on Oprah and it was so painful. Now yeah, dude totally got all sorts of extra and really revamped the concept of a memoir but damn, the way she railed into him was just ev-vil.

Let me give a brief syop:
So we all know that Oprah got busted for defending the honor of James Frey on Larry King Live--felt the heat--and then decided to do a live show to apologize to her viewers for backing the embellisher. It was during this forum that she had James Frey on and "confronted" him for lying to her and her viewers...the operative part being HER. See it had nothing to do with Frey getting caught up in making his podunk drunken and drug addicted daze glamorous to publishers and the public, it was about Oprah saving face...and ripping son a new asshole at the same time. It was ugly.

During the hour she pretty much asked Frey a billion and one questions, never let him answer--and when he did was so dismissive it was insulting. I mean come on now, I think homes got busted doing what many a author does, that we don't know about, but get the fuck over it. Old girl was all up in the bitch--angry and ready to pounce a lion in the Serengeti. Writer boy pumped up his book, he didn't say, I don't know, lie to Congress to get to fighting in a war or something. The Winfrey was acting like she woke up one night with her panties around her ankles, her ass bleeding, and saw James Frey peering down on her about to piss in her ear. Jesus, prespective needs to be had.

My favorite part of the show is when she had journalists come on to jump in on the circle jerk and tell Frey how much he sucked. For real, he looked like he was going to kill himself on the set, it was pathetic. It.was.a.public.stoning. I would have loved to have asked the dude at the Times if he remembered a little guy by the name of Jayson Blair that was at this mom and pop operation that the name of journalism. Um, that is not a memoir, that's a newspaper that is supposed to inform the people. Call me kooky. And someone might want to bring up Stephan Glass and The New Republic.

See, I'm not saying that we should just brush this under the rug but man, after a couple weeks the bloodletting has become tiresome. Ain't there someone else we can browbeat. Honey, I live a US Weekly existence, I need new people to tie to a tree and lash with a switch each week, I can't harp on one sucka for too long. Is asking the same from our billion dollar making talk show gurus too much?


At least Ms. Spanish Inquistion had Jake Gyllenhaal on the next day. He's dreamy. That will keep me from firing off an fiesty e-mail. At least for another day. The JG does know how to bring about peace in harmony. Sigh.


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