Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I'm so going towards the white light

Okay, this is it.

I have now been sick for going on three fuck ass weeks. This is stupid as spit. What was called a cold by my punk ass doctor is the damn flu and I want to take a hostage. Yeah, I know that I'm not the first and I won't be the last fool to have the flu but this is my blog and I if want to bitch and moan and flip a table over I will (I wish I could, I can barely hussle to the loo, let alone flip over a napkin).

My ass has been home since Thursday and I'm getting cabin fever. Left the spot to go a full two blocks to the supermercado to get some supplies on Saturday and while I was in line I broke into a full James Brown sweat, had to take a squat and the store manager thought he was going to have a scene go down (yeah, I kept it together because it would have been so not sexy to fall out in the checkout line...and if I'm going to fall out I better be in full hair and makeup and backlit...come on, everyone feels that way)...I'm not leaving my house again. Oh, and then I went to the pharmacy to get a prescription filled and this woman preceeds to tell me that my laces were undone. I tell her that it was actually a string from my pants and it's no problem. She tells me that I should take care of it and then I'm like thanks for looking out I'll do that and then she keeps pressing me. So I turn to her with sweat feeling the need to cascade down my wee brow (mind you, for real, I'm not a "sweater") and I say, "Ma'am, I'm having a really bad day, I feel ten times worse than I look and would you mind just easing off." I get a, "Ohhh, um, I'm sorry...I hope you feel better." For real, looking like death will shut a mother down. But thanks lady for looking out...just not a good time.

So enough about the death watch.

Here's what I have watched because right now...reading is just too much:

*Unforgettable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson
GREAT Ken Burns doc...on the PBS and DVD...check it. If you don't want to spend 4 hours on this rent James Earl Jones The Great White Hope...1960's account of Jack Johnson's life that Mr. Jones first did on B'way and then the big screen.

Stupid but just hearing Christine Taylor say "I just threw up in my mouth" is funny. I love Rip Torn too.

Not a Tom Cruise fan but he is taking names and numbers in this one...ending is bunk but worth seeing. Shot on digital video, work it out Michael Mann.

*Riding Giants
Stacy Peralta has got the "action" sport documentary locked. Even if you care nothing about the world of big wave surfing it is really entertaining and I developed a little "grandpa" crush on Greg Noll...the old timer 50's surfer...nothing like a jolly old man with potty mouth. The making of doc at the end of the film is interesting too. If you haven't seen Peralta's other doc, Dogtown and Z Boys, you must rent it. That I LOVED...one of the best soundtracks too (along with Dazed and Confused and Pump Up the Volume)...treat yourself and get that also!

*The Gift
This was on TNT so it might not be "authentic" but got to see Giovanni Ribisi go crazy and Keanu Reeves sucker punch Cate Blancett. Hey, it was free.

I think there was other stuff I saw but I get the nods a lot.


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