Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Just a few things

1) I'm now smitten with John Grisham. He was on The Daily Show last night and he was just so witty and that honey dipped Mississippi drawl is just delightful.

2) Okay, everyone back the fuck off Angelina Jolie. She is hot as hell but that doesn't mean she broke up Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston, I mean come on, what kind of challenge is that for old girl. Seriously, like most heterosexual women I would totally go lesbian with her. She already has the Asian baby, we could easily nest in Park Slope.

3) Man, does Paul Giamatti feel beat. At the Critics Choice Awards (yeah, what about it, I'm completely amped for the Globes, get off my labia) his flick, Sideways, wins pretty much it is up for: Best Supporting Actor/Actress, Best Ensemble Acting, Best Screenplay, Best Picture, Best know everything. So it gets to Best Actor and he TOTALLY loses to Jamie Foxx for Ray. You play a blind legend you are a lock, that is just the deal. I mean if Ray Charles was also retarded they would have given Jamie Foxx the Nobel Peace Prize on top of it all. Anyway, they cut to Paul G. and he has a look that says, "Well fuck me up the ass, ain't that some stuff. Thomas Haden Church here, Mr. Ned and goddamn Stacy gets an award and I get dick...whatever." No worries Paul, I think it says somewhere in the Geneva Convention that only once every 40 years can a black man win an Academy Award for Best Actor. Keep your dream alive.

4) Kool Keith's "Don't Crush It" is hot. If I have to explain to you what this is about then you need to drown in a pool of your own vomit.

5) I wanna make out with Paul Mooney. Just throwing that out there.


Blogger Miss Tanya said...

I love you for referencing Ned and Stacy. I seriously loved that show. Yeah, I know I'm wack.

January 13, 2005 at 3:35 PM  
Blogger Erika said...

No for real, I developed a slight love for THC on "Wings" and then it went full throttle on "Ned and Stacy". Debra Messing better remember where she came from!

January 14, 2005 at 1:48 PM  

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