Like the Wu-Tang, Jenna Jameson is for the kids...
"I look at these girls today, taking on six guys and doing bukkakes, and I think, 'What the hell are they doing?' These girls don't know that you have to start slow, baby, and make them pay you more for each thing you do. In my day you hardly had to have sex, let alone two dicks up your ass." (Rolling Stone Magazine, 8/2/04)
...and who says that women in the sex industry don't respect themselves?! My girl need to get herself a lecturing gig at the New School right quick. If she does she can tell me what the fuck bukkakes are. Seriously, love the Jenna, cracks me the hell up, work it out honey!
On a different Rolling Stone tip: There is fashion spread with Andre 3000 of Outkast and Kate Moss in this latest it me or does it have some kind of fey Mandingo vibe about it? Just wanted to throw that out there.
Thank you and good night.
You should pick up her book "How to Make Love Like a Porn Star." Hilarious stuff. She's not looking that good these days, her life is showing on her face, poor thing.
Tanya, I almost got that for you for your shower...borrowing it from my old roomie! Artie... thank for the love chocolate bunny!
Tanya, I almost got that for you for your shower...borrowing it from my old roomie! Artie... thank for the love chocolate bunny!
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