Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I have seen the light...

...and that light is called Lost.

When this show first came on I was like um, okay, maybe I will watch an episode...but I didn't. And I don't know why.

Maybe it's cause America's Next Top Model was on around that time and nothing could interfere with that. Or maybe it was during the time I was teaching illiterate one-legged Laotians how to read (cause I'm a giver). Most likely it was cause the wonderful DVR had yet to come into my empty, empty life. Regardless thank sweet baby Jesus I got the first season on DVD and watched ALL 24 episodes in about 72 hours...cause that shit is the hotness.

I cannot begin to tell you how obsessed I am with this fine, fine piece of television. It is a smart, Twins Peakian (not as odd) drama that needs to be adored. If I could marry this show I would, it is that good.

Now maybe I'm super into it cause I watched it in a huge chunk...very crack addict behavior on my part...but I couldn't take it slow, that shit was calling me. I did the same thing with the L-Word but that show's second season disappointed me....still makes me said. Lord have mercy on my soul and let my unconditional love for the Lost continue during it's season premiere tonight and the entire season. Amen.

Honeychile, the characters are deep...the flashbacks about their lives before they ended up stranded on this fucked island are fleshed out and they shot one of the most awesomest "plane being ripped apart" sequences ever! Do I know I sound a little crazy here? Yes. Do I care. Not really. That is called love folks and I'm not trying to mask it. Not for you, not for society, no one! (Picture me screaming this at the top of my lungs while standing on top of a really is powerful.)

So this is how I'm going to wrap it up...

Get the DVDs...DVR the the DVDs and when you get caught up check into the new season. It will make you feel complete.

Good night and god speed.


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