Friday, October 28, 2005

Quote of the day

In the October 20th issue of Rolling Stone they have an article in there about a teenager by the name of Nate Norman who was running a $38 million dollar pot ring. Okay, besides that being riveting on it's own there are some tidbits in the article that had me locked. But chulren, I had to share this... this pure, unmitigated piece of genius. Below is a quote from a stripper by the name of "Buffy" that was dating the former dork turned wanna be rapper drug "kingpin" before he got busted. Check it:

'Later that summer, Nate broke both of his arms in a dirt-bike accident and moved in with Buffy. "That was a bad time, " she recalls. "Nate's arms were in casts. I was recovering from my surgery." She fluffs her breasts as a visual aid. (Here comes the good part!) "And my cat Titty Bar Bob had broken his back, and he got addicted to these painkillers. He'd crawl up the sides of the wall to get to them. It was a weird summer."'

Hands down, that is the best name for a pet EVER. Hillbilly strippers are funny and really know how to weave a tale.


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