Tuesday, March 01, 2005

That Halle Berry is one hell of a sport!

Another heart of a champion right here...

Oscar-winner Halle Berry's flop Catwoman and President George W. Bush's government were the big winners at Saturday's Golden Raspberry Awards. Berry shocked film fans when she graciously arrived on stage, clutching her Academy Award, to collect her Worst Actress Razzie at the Los Angeles ceremony. Catwoman won four accolades, including Worst Director for Pitof, Worst Picture and Worst Screenplay. Berry said, "Oh my gosh, oh my God. I never in my life thought that I would be here, winning a Razzie. It's not like I ever aspired to be here, but thank you. When I was a kid, my mother told me that if you could not be a good loser, then there's no way you could be a good winner. It was just what my career needed - I was at the top and now I'm at the bottom."

Thanks Ry Ry for sending me this!


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